~~ Sin Unannounced ~~

There are many things that were in my life that I have not conveyed here in this blog thus far... Many things in which I hope to go to my grave with the knowledge of, although "somehow" God has forgiven and forgotten these things, I am quite sure man would not.
I was truly despicable in all my ways anyway you look at it. I was a drug user - I sold drugs - I was a user of more than drugs - I used people - And I didn't care at what it cost them as long as I was satisfied in my fleshly lusts of various kinds... I got hurt - over and over again - the vicious circle never stopping - and I hurt others within the same vicious circle - Use and hurt - Use and hurt - Use and hurt - Many things within the lifestyle of the "fast lane" that are so detestable I cannot bring myself to even bear them mention...
I can tell you an absolute truth... I was vile... There was almost nothing beyond me in the arena of sin... Short of murder, in everything else I dabbled. The very thoughts of it make "ME" want to puke...Virtually anything you can imagine, I participated in it. Looking back, I cannot believe I was allowed to live. But that's just one small thing that is so incredible about the Graciousness of God... If any of us received that which we deserve, none of us would live... ~~None~~
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