~~ In Conclusion ~~

However, I do realize I have said this at the sacrifice of what many of you may think of me. I reluctantly do this, but the reason I have done this is:
Revelation 12:11, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."
We overcome the wiles of the enemy by the blood of Christ and the Power of our Testimony.
I have said all this so I can say this: I need a Savior! I have been shown what I can do on my own and it isn't SQUAT! Thanks be to God that I believe His Word to say that HE can save me and that HE HAS! In this lies all my hopes... All my joy... All my peace... All my understanding...
Another reason for this is to convey to all that may read this, that if Jesus did this for me, He can do it for you, also... He died for us ALL... He can deal with your sin and your ignorance, "once and for all"... It would take a long time for me to convey to you what God has done for me and my family and continues to do every minute of every day. He has made crooked paths straight. He has transformed me from being a curse to everything and everyone I touch, to being somewhat of a blessing... He has given me a most incredible purpose in life!
If any of you are searching for Truth and purpose in your life, please feel free to explore the remainder of these blogs.
No one can make these choices for you, as bad as they may wish to do so. Either you believe? Or you don't. It's my prayer you will find your way to the only Truth that's ever been...
~~Jesus Christ ~~